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Air Conditioning Inspections


What Is It?

An Air Conditioning Inspection is the process of inspecting air conditioning in buildings to make sure they are safe and up to the appropriate standard.


Why Is It Needed?

An ACI is needed to make sure a business' air conditioning is functioning correctly, and it also identifies ways to improve efficiency, reduce energy consumption and reduce operating costs. It can show where existing systems can be improved, opportunities to replace older, less energy efficient systems, and where oversized systems can be replaced with new energy efficient systems.


When Is It Needed?

ACIs need to be conducted on air conditioning units that have an effective rated output of more than 12kW. They need to be carried out at least once every 5 years to ensure that they are safe and working correctly. Failure to do so can lead to fines up to £500.


How We Can Help

We have a team of professionals who can come to your site and perform Air Conditioning Inspections ensuring that your air conditioning is fit for use and can pass its inspection to avoid any potential fines you may have received otherwise.

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